Price: $3.49
SKU: 1001291
Comstock Spanish
Nicotiana tabacum L
[ Approximately 100 seeds per packet ]
Suckered plants average about five feet in height with large leaves reaching up to two feet long by a foot wide, curling downward at maturity, and maintaining good elasticity when cured.
'Comstock Spanish' was historically used as cigar binder tobacco, as well as for cigar wrappers and filler. There were two primary varieties grown in the Wisconsin-Minnesota cigar binder region. One was 'Wisconsin Seedleaf', also known as 'Wisconsin Broadleaf', and the other was 'Wisconsin Havana Seed'.
'Wisconsin Havana Seed' is said to be the original Wisconsin variety but it was introduced as a so-called Spanish variety and eventually became known as 'Comstock Spanish' after the name of a pioneer Wisconsin tobacco grower.
An old variety dating back to at least 1880. Our seed originated from USDA accession number PI 552437 and was sent to us by David Pendergrass from Tennessee.