
Havana Tobacco

Price: $4.49

SKU: 1000711

Nicotiana tabacum L.
[ Approximately 100 seeds per packet ]

'Havana' is an attractive, productive plant that reaches about five feet tall and produces pretty, pink, trumpet-shaped flowers. Along with being an attractive ornamental annual, 'Havana' is a variety that is used for cigars and for chewing.

There are many numbered varieties of 'Havana' tobaccos. Our seed was part of the Mark Futterman Collection. He obtained it simply as 'Havana' from J. L. Hudson Seedsmen in 1994. Our seed was produced on Dunton Farms in Liberal, Oregon and does well in Northern climates.

Tobacco plants are very interesting, ornamental, and have many uses apart from consumption. Tobacco seeds are not classified as tobacco products. We promote the cultivation of tobacco plants, but we do not promote the use of tobacco products.
Tobacco seeds are tiny and look like dust, but each one has the potential to quickly grow into a huge tobacco plant. They need light to germinate. Sprinkle the seeds onto the surface of a moist and sterile seed starting mix. Do not cover the seeds. They also must never be allowed to dry out, so they are frequently (but gently) watered using a mist from a spray bottle. While waiting for germination, it can help to cover them with some kind of plastic sheeting to help hold moisture.

Once tiny seedlings emerge, you can pick them out one by one and move them into individual cells. Very lightly fertilize and never allow the potting soil to dry out. Within 6 weeks it'll be ready to plant in the garden. Wait until all risk of frost is over before planting outdoors.

For additional information, please have a look at our more detailed guide with photos.


Customer Reviews:

★★★★★ Amazing
By Eduardo (Los Angeles) on March 3, 2025

Shipping took long but the seeds were amazing and they sprouted within 2 weeks.

★★★★★ Havana Tobacco
By LaRue Family Farms (East TN) on June 30, 2023

Our Havana Tobacco is doing great. This is the 1st time we have tried growing tobacco. With no history of tobacco growing in our family, and only armed with what little knowledge we can glean from youtube, we feel we have succeeded. We bought 3 varieties; Havana, Golden Burley, & Black Mammoth. All varieties germinated very well. We started them inside in early March. We set them out in Mid May. They have struggled thru about 3 weeks without rain, only dew to sustain them, but now they are thriving. The funny thing is my husband said he only wanted about 30 plants, 10 each, but they all germinated, and he didn't have the heart not to plant them. Sooo, we have about 250 plant growing! We are very pleased with your seeds, and are planning to order more for our garden in the future!