Price: $3.49
SKU: 1001601
Mississippi Heirloom
Nicotiana tabacum L
[ Approximately 100 seeds per packet ]
I grew this 2 years ago and the plants were stocky, resistant to wind and produced very large leaves for me. I of course saved seed from some of the healthiest and largest plants. I will be growing this again this year. I recommend this variety for North Florida.
I opted to grow the Mississippi Heirloom tobacco, perhaps because of the name alone. The idea of planting an heirloom species of tobacco was too much to resist. I am letting 2 of my plant to bolt to preserve the species further. The Mississippi Heirloom was a bit slower, (than the Mohawk and Virginia Burley I planted), but is doing great. However, the majority of it was planted in a spot that may retain too much moisture. The remaining plants being planted in better draining soil are doing much better. However, I am new to this. Next year will see a correction to location and I am feeling certain that the hot weather, (early on and persistant), is adding to size and bolting of my plants. The Mississippi Heirloom is at most, 2 feet high. The leaves seem ample enough, but nowhere near the greatness of the Virginia Burley. Is that due to species? I wonder. Overall, I am absolutely satisfied with my purchase from Victory Seed and I am looking forward to whatever the harvest may bring!