
Ornamental Flowering Tobacco

Price: $4.49

SKU: 1000261

Flowering Tobacco Nicotiana sylvestris
[ Approximately 100 seeds per packet ]

'Flowering Tobacco' is generally grown as an interesting ornamental flowering plant. Since their flower heads will reach about five feet in height, they are typically planted towards the back of flowerbeds or along fences. It blooms from July through September with beautiful white flowers that are trumpet-shaped, and attract hummingbirds, bees, and other pollinating insects. They are a nice source of evening fragrance and attract species of pollinating night moths as well.

Related to the tobacco plants that are grown for smoking, and as a matter of fact thought to be one of the original parents of Nicotiana tabacum (the plant species used in modern tobacco products), because they are reportedly low in nicotine, it is not generally considered for, or used as, a smoking tobacco.

Also known as 'Ornamental' tobacco, 'Woodland' tobacco and 'South American' tobacco. Although it is biologically a perennial in its native habitat in the Andes region of Argentina and Bolivia, it is grown as a tender annual here in North America but does often self-seed from year to year without becoming a nuisance.

Tobacco plants are very interesting, ornamental, and have many uses apart from consumption. Tobacco seeds are not classified as tobacco products. We promote the cultivation of tobacco plants, but we do not promote the use of tobacco products.
Tobacco seeds are tiny and look like dust, but each one has the potential to quickly grow into a huge tobacco plant. They need light to germinate. Sprinkle the seeds onto the surface of a moist and sterile seed starting mix. Do not cover the seeds. They also must never be allowed to dry out, so they are frequently (but gently) watered using a mist from a spray bottle. While waiting for germination, it can help to cover them with some kind of plastic sheeting to help hold moisture.

Once tiny seedlings emerge, you can pick them out one by one and move them into individual cells. Very lightly fertilize and never allow the potting soil to dry out. Within 6 weeks it'll be ready to plant in the garden. Wait until all risk of frost is over before planting outdoors.

For additional information, please have a look at our more detailed guide with photos.

Customer Reviews:

★★★★★ Tobacco Success
By BOB & Rose (Western New York) on December 28, 2024

Greetings to the Victory Seed Folks,\r\n\r\nI\'m a bit late responding to your invite to comment on our successes with your seeds but I still want to tell you, anyways! Call it \"old guy syndrome\"...\r\n\r\nA few years ago we received some of your Tobacco seeds and...well, the project fell by the wayside.\r\n\r\nThis year (2024) however, we did receive and plant the ornamental seed, once we figured out the germination thing! We selected about a dozen plants to pot and eventually transplant to the garden. We got a later start than we aimed for here in western New York, but the attached picture shows the great results. Even though I knew an old gentleman, during my childhood, who grew his own smoking tobacco here, this was the first attempt for us. We even placed plants in larger pots for a couple of friends, retired from gardening, who enjoyed watching them grow over 4 ft. and burst with beautiful flowers! A success all around.\r\n\r\nWe also got some Golden Bantam Corn from you...still trying to figure out if it was the horse manure that made it grow to 10 ft.! \r\n\r\nGotta thank you for the quick order processing, as well as, good germinating seed.\r\n\r\nThank you & Happy, successful New Year to you all,\r\nBob & Rose \r\n(western New York) \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n One attachment • Scanned by Gmail\r\n \r\n

★★★★★ Great seeds, great company
By Tigerbikes (NJ, USA) on July 22, 2024

Wow! Not only the best selection with great information on the website, Jon personally helped me with my first round of germination / seedlings to a great success. I highly recommend Victory Seeds.