
Red Rose Tobacco

Price: $3.49

SKU: 1001611

Red Rose
Nicotiana tabacum L
[ Approximately 100 seeds per packet ]

'Red Rose' is a dark, air-cured tobacco. The cured leaf has a beautiful color producing a strong, bold smoke. Historically used primarily as a cigar filler, it is also quite suitable as cigar wrappers and binder. Despite its thickness and strength, the leaf burns smooth and evenly resulting in a clean ash. The flavor is described as strong but pleasant. Its flowers are pink. Because the leaves tend to be thick, they are relatively forgiving and easy to handle, making them a good choice for beginning cigar rollers.

Our seed was sent to us by tobacco variety preservationist David Pendergrass from Tennessee. His seed originated from USDA accession number PI 552357 donated into their collection by Pennsylvania State University in 1961.

Tobacco plants are very interesting, ornamental, and have many uses apart from consumption. Tobacco seeds are not classified as tobacco products. We promote the cultivation of tobacco plants, but we do not promote the use of tobacco products.
Tobacco seeds are tiny and look like dust, but each one has the potential to quickly grow into a huge tobacco plant. They need light to germinate. Sprinkle the seeds onto the surface of a moist and sterile seed starting mix. Do not cover the seeds. They also must never be allowed to dry out, so they are frequently (but gently) watered using a mist from a spray bottle. While waiting for germination, it can help to cover them with some kind of plastic sheeting to help hold moisture.

Once tiny seedlings emerge, you can pick them out one by one and move them into individual cells. Very lightly fertilize and never allow the potting soil to dry out. Within 6 weeks it'll be ready to plant in the garden. Wait until all risk of frost is over before planting outdoors.

For additional information, please have a look at our more detailed guide with photos.


Customer Reviews:

★★★★★ Grows very well
By Sam (Washington) on September 25, 2024

This tobacco performed very well in my garden considering it's my first attempt. I experimented with different plants and found that mixing in organic fertilizer and adding worm casting to the hole when transplanting the tobacco lead to big 5+ foot plants. I also side dressed with bone meal every month which seemed to help when the plants began to slow their growth.

★★★★★ Very good flavor!
By Jeff Bramlett (Lebanon, Oregon) on July 22, 2023

I have been smoking this Red Rose in a "Mark Twain" corn cob pipe and it is my favorite. The description says it is strong but pleasant. I would agree. I just crumple the dried leaves and stuff them in my pipe, nothing special. I think a corn cob pipe is the best way to smoke home-grown tobacco. I mainly chew it though. I cook the dried tobacco in honey, molasses, fennel seeds, and a little water and then set it in the sun, stirring daily until I get a good product. It is much better than commercial chewing tobacco! Anyway, I was so impressed by the smoking flavor of Red Rose, I had to come make a review. Thanks Victory Seeds for preserving the many historic varieties! I encourage everyone with the means to grow some tobacco. Once dried, it stores for decades, and will be a great trade item during hard times.

★★★★★ Surprise it grows here
By Northern Idaho on November 12, 2020

Great plant! started indoors with my tomatoes. Even with the cool wet spring it flourished. It reached 6 feet tall with the major leaves 8 by 13. First time tobacco grower and it was easy. Use neem oil for insects. I gave the leaves to a friend who is aging them for homemade cigars. Lots of fun to grow.