Price: $3.49
SKU: 1001411
Southern Beauty
Nicotiana tabacum L
[ Approximately 100 seeds per packet ]
'Southern Beauty' is a flue-cured type of tobacco historically used for pipe and cigarette blending. Our seed originated from USDA accession number PI 552333 and was sent to us by David Pendergrass from Tennessee.
I will have to come back and edit/update this review a bit later in the year, as my tobacco plants are not yet fully grown to maturity. However, I am very pleased with their progress so far. I started the seeds at the very end of March and it is now the very end of June and they are thriving. I started some tobacco seeds which I purchased from another company under grow lights back in January. It was my first attempt and I bungled it and all the seedlings died. I decided to try again and purchased four types of tobacco seeds from Victory Seeds: Southern Beauty, Virginia Brightleaf, Kelly Burley and Texas Cuban. I started them in a seed flat in a shaded spot outdoors and this time I had much more success. With such a late start, my plants are still growing but thanks to y'all at Victory Seeds I will have some tobacco success in 2023 after all. The Southern Beauty was the first to sprout from seed and it grew vigorously and rapidly, faster than the other types. I now have 5 Southern Beauty plants growing big and healthy, even as we are in the midst of a heat wave here in zone 8a/8b. This photo is a few weeks old and the plants are now much bigger but this shows how far they have come from such tiny seeds. The Southern Beauty and the Brightleaf are now over a foot tall with several sets of leaves and the Burley and Cuban are close behind. Next year I'll try to grow some Rustica.