Price: $3.49
SKU: 1000831Virginia Gold is a well known heirloom variety dating back well over 50 years. It grows to a height of 6'-7' with low suckering. The light green leaves are from 14" to 18" wide and 24" to 30" long, and turn a light yellow when ripe. The plants produce an average of 18 leaves per plant below the crows foot, with yields averaging 3 oz of dried leaf per plant. Matures in 55 days. Each packet contains 100 seeds. 1/4g is about 1,000 seeds, and 1g is around 4-5,000.
Plants were gigantic and perfectly healthy. My first crop ever. Couldn't be happier!
Grew Big leaves and tall. Got some Aphids later in the season but didn't affect it to much
The Virginia Gold seeds took right off and grew like weeds. I started with about 20 seeds per seedling container. They were placed under plastic wrap under grow lights. The first tiny leaves appeared within 10 days. I began plucking and culling the the smallest and those nearest the outer edges of the cups. After four weeks I transplanted the best plants to individual seedling containers. They stayed under grow lights the entire time. Progress was wonderful. After about 4 more weeks, I transplanted the best plants into 5 gallon hardware store buckets. During all this time, the plants stayed indoors under grow lights. They grew well. Once they reached about 2 feet tall I decided to move them outdoors. That's when all the trouble started. I live in Boulder City, NV where the humidity is about 9% and a good stiff wind blows all springtime. The poor plants did not like this wind and low humidity. They wilted and broke, even with plenty of water. It was awful. I was very disappointed, and decided Nevada does not have a good tobacco climate, and that I should have put them into a humidity controlled greenhouse. But I was dumb and didn't know that. I was able to harvest the pitifully small leaves from about 10 plants. I placed the leaves under damp towels for 2 weeks to color-cure. After two weeks, I placed the yellow leaves into my own curing chamber that maintained a 120 degree temp and 70 percent humidity. They have turned a nice brown, and smell wonderful. I smoked an early crop. They taste was pretty good. I am very pleased, and recommend these seeds to anyone. Just make sure you have a greenhouse or high humidity.